Damn! It Feels Good To Be Yakuza!


It appears the Japanese Yakuza has now intiated a written examination affecting entry of new members. What won't the Japanese think of these days? I knew the Japanese had a great business sense, but this just takes it to a new level. The Japanese government imposed a new law that allowed the higher ups in the organization to be sued concering the things its members 'may or may not have done'. Talk about covering your ass. Can you imagine if American gangs starting enforcing the same type test due to a similar law we passed. Who needs gun control when 90 percent of the applicants cannot become members simply on the grounds of not being able to read. Organized crime would come to a complete halt. Somebody in Congress needs to get on this pronto. I beg you to read the article just on the grounds of having a good laugh, make sure to check out the question and answer section. But what I really would love to see is people who fail the test, what happens to them? Come back next year? Do they get a study guide? Or better yet, gangster exam tutoring. I can see this turning into a required reading for all organized crime syndicates. May the Japanese populace continue to entertain us for years to come.
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