Should We Be Sorry?

 I see a trend with American figureheads in the media today. They seemed to have lost their BALLS! Yes, I said it - BALLS. Seems like after every heated exchange of words that get caught on film leads to a public apology. I start to really notice this opinion when Urban Meyer was filmed correcting an out of line reporter about one of his players as any good coach would do. Listen, I strongly feel that if you know you are clearly in the right well then stand by what you said. America's youngsters don't need to see anymore of this "I take it back" attitude especially when they see the right example in the first place. This was going to be the end of this post but after just how short it was going to turn out I stumbled upon the Army Times newspaper the other night and saw an article, "Wrong way to tell" in the April 19th issue stating the General Mixon who is the commander of the Pacific for the Army went about the wrong way of voicing an opinion. When did we get to the point where our leaders could no longer voice their concern for a policy involving their career field. Especially when it is coming from a 3 star general for Pete's sake. I get why no one cares what I think since I'm a lowly PFC put when a General speaks up about an issue that should be sending off some warning signals when he is reprimanded by the Secretary of the Army. I love the quote that the Army Secretary used to justify the reprimand. "He recognizes (General Mixon) it was inappropriate for him to become an advocate and try to shape the opinion of the force rather than to reach out and ascertain the opinion of the force." McHugh said. For all you civilians out there let me sum up what that really means plain English. "You will agree with what we are telling you to agree with because we said so, and we don't give a rat's ass about your opinion no matter how much sense it may or may not make." Look all I'm saying is you wouldn't have seen the likes of Ronald Reagan, John Wayne, Lou Gehrig or Bob Hope taking back what they believed was the right answer to an issue.
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